NFL Week 8 Picks from the PAS

Welcome, degenerate PAS-Holes!  We’re back again this week with our NFL Week 8 picks – remember, we really try our hardest.

We’re starting to realize that we may not be that good at this. But, we’re still trying.

It seems like we’re all hot on the Vikings, Raiders and Seahawks!

Last week Cavi went 8-4-1, Eddie went 9-3-1, and Tommy wen 7-5-1. Those are all respectable scores. We’re back, baby!

NFL Week 8 Picks
NFL Week 8 Picks
Season: 31-47-1
Season: 39-39-1
Season: 41-37-1
Vikings (-9.5) at Browns Vikings Vikings Vikings
Bears at Saints (-9.5) Saints Saints Bears
Falcons (-5) at Jets Falcons Jets Falcons
Panthers at Buccaneers (-1.5) Panthers Bucs Bucs
49ers at Eagles (-13) Eagles Eagles 49ers
Raiders at Bills (-2.5) Raiders Raiders Raiders
Colts at Bengals (-10.5) Bengals Colts Colts
Chargers at Patriots (-7) Patriots Patriots Chargers
Texans at Seahawks (-5) Seahawks Seahawks Seahawks
Cowboys (-2) at Redskins Cowboys Redskins Cowboys
Steelers (-2.5) at Lions Lions Lions Steelers
Broncos at Chiefs (-7) Chiefs Chiefs Broncos

Above you’ll find our NFL Week 8 picks. It’s also fair to note that we made these decisions based on the Wednesday morning lines and things may change. If you have any additional questions feel free to tweet us: @ProducerCavi, @Eddie_ThePAS or @Tlip_ThePAS.

We hope that this will help the PAS-holes out there that might have a little degenerate gambler in them. We’d also like to remind you that while we consider ourselves “experts,” you’re not guaranteed to win anything. Gamble at your own risk. Also, if you’re going to gamble, do it legally and responsibly. If you’ve got a problem, call 1-800-Gambler.

