The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 4: Puzzles

On the Challenge Champs vs Pros Episode 4, we’re immediately reminded of  last week’s cliff hanger. We are quickly reminded that Lolo Jones still sucks. She has the chance to face off against Lindsay, but she refused and quickly dominates poor little Tia. Smart move, but a cowardly one at the end of the day. Clearly, the little weasel, Wes loves it.

We bid farewell to two of the nicest competitors, Ashley K and Tia. Sorry, girls, nice doesn’t win Challenges.

Lolo again reiterates how much more important she believes her charity is than the other competitors. I can’t imagine why she’s only received $10,000 worth of donations. It definitely has nothing to do with her personality.

The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 4 Competition

For the first time this season, the competitors are faced with a puzzle challenge. One teammate must memorize the puzzle and relay what they see to their team mates. A final teammate must then sprint down a hill and place the puzzle pieces in the correct order.

Our man CT has the “easy” task this week he acts as the muscle and lifts up the puzzle’s cover and puts it back down. Probably the most important, vital role of them all.

At about the halfway mark, Darrell tells Lolo Jones, “You’re luck you’re a female or I’d knock your ass you.” Why? Because, she’s a terrible sports and try to play dirty by yelling in their ears. You know… how an Olympian should behave. That’s how American heroes behave.

The Champs absolutely dominate the Pros in this Challenge. Darrell wins $5,000 for his charity, The March of Dimes.

The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 4 Nominations

Gus is automatically in the elimination, because he was the captain of the losing team. The Pros vote to a tie again and make Gus pick his own competitor, which is literally the one thing he said he didn’t want to do. He picks CM Punk, because he’s friends with Louie and let’s face it, Cam is a monster.

Wes volunteers to go in and then Jordan is unanimously voted in by the team. Let’s face it, no one is going to vote in CT. Because, come on, it’s C mother f’n T. CT decides to teach Louise Hazel, a births girl how to play baseball. And then, this happens…

We learn that Lolo Jones is a 34 year old virgin. I actually kind of respect her for that. That takes an extreme commitment to ones beliefs. Then, we learn about CM Punk’s WWE/MMA sob story, which is old news. Cara Maria has a heart-to-heart with Gus about when he came out, it’s a nice moment and again, makes me respect Gus a great deal.

The Challenge Champs Vs Pros Episode 4 Elimination

Gus’s boyfriend, Matt shows up to support him at elimination.

The elimination is an ice bucket challenge. Competitors must submerge themselves in ice water for a minutes and then try to solve a puzzle.

Pro eliminated: CM Punk

Champ eliminated: Jordan

CT tells Wes, “you owe me twice, Mother f*cker.”



Producer Cavi: