Cookin’ Wit Cavi: Capocollo Cheddar Burger

We’re trying something new today. Welcome to “Cookin Wit Cavi,” where we’ll explore some guy-friendly food recipes. From time-to-time, I dabble in the culinary arts. Ya know, dip my toe in, just to say I visit. So, from now on, when I come up with something good, I’ll pass it along to you. It’s Friday, the weekend is on the way and it’s lunch time. What better time for a Capocollo Cheddar Burger? Enjoy.

P.S. Any food that’s featured in a “Cookin’ Wit Cavi” blog will be able to be enjoyed while watching a game.

P.P.S. I’m not a trained Chef. But, I did work at Burger King for two years in high school. When it comes to these recipes, I promise they’ll have blue collar prices and that anyone with half a brain will be able to execute them.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger Ingredients

  • Package of Capocollo
  • Package of Ground Beef
  • Brick of Cheddar Cheese
  • Garlic Salt
  • Oregano
  • Burger buns
  • Ketchup
  • Dill Pickles
  • Lettuce Spring Mix

Note, that all of these ingredients were purchased at ALDI, which is low-key the best grocery store in the world. For real, ALDI isn’t just for poor people anymore. They’re trying to compete with Whole Foods, so everything is still cheap, but it’s high quality, GMO free and mostly organic. I will admit that the ketchup is a hold over from Wegmans. Because, Wegmans’ organic ketchup is life changing.

Total cost of ingredients: $12.45

Capocollo Cheddar Burger Preperation

Capocollo Burger

First things first, you need to chop the Capocollo up into tiny pieces.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

You don’t want to use that entire brick of cheddar, because, well we’re not trying to kill ourselves. Cut a chunk off that is about 1/4 of the brick. That should be enough. Now, dice the cheese into small pieces as well.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

Next, it’s time to mix all of this shit together. I suggest using a bowl, it’ll contain the mess and make your wife less likely to kill you.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

Once everything has been mixed up, you’re going to add a generous helping of Garlic Salt and Oregano to the mixture. We’re dudes, so no need for official measurements, just eyeball it to your liking and repeat the mixing process.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

Now,  form your meat mixture into patties. Our mixture produced four healthy patties of meaty goodness. You can make them as big, small, tick or thin as you want. I’m not going to tell you how to enjoy your burger.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

So, I have some solid advice for you. Before you get knee deep into a burger making project, make sure that you have propane for your grill. You see, in this case, I didn’t. No worries, I did have my handy dandy cast iron skillet available. Real men cook on cast iron skillets. Believe that. Although all burgers are better on the grill, this cooking method works as well.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

Cook your burgers to your preferred level of “doneness.” I like mine a little pink, but not bleeding. Something about hamburger meat screams, “COOK ME OR I WILL KILL YOU,” to me. Now, my steaks on the other hand, I’m okay if they still have a pulse. This is totally your preference, I’m not going to tell you how to live your life or eat your burger.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

This is where we take this burger to the next level. We’re going to add a slice of Capocollo to the top of the patties. Kind of like you would do with bacon, but must more classy.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

Let the Capocollo heat up for a about a minute, it’ll get slightly crispy, but not to the consistency of bacon. Then, add a thin slice of the cheddar cheese to the top of the Capocollo and let it melt.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

After the cheese melts, you’re ready to get your burger buns out and plate those suckers.

If you’re eating a burger without pickles, you’re doing it wrong. So, add your dill pickles now.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

Next up, you’re going to want to add a bit of lettuce. I don’t judge, use whatever lettuce you like. I’ve recently become a big fan of spring mix and not just for salads. I’ve found myself putting it on sandwiches and burgers.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

No tomatoes. The only time that a tomato should ever be on a burger is in ketchup form. Right, Eddie? If you didn’t know… Eddie hates tomatoes. He once punched Lawyer Pete over a tomato. Add your ketchup now. I suggest Wegmans’ Organic Ketchup. It’s a different taste than any ketchup I’ve ever experienced and once you get used to it, you’ll never go back.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

Finally… Enjoy your Capocollo Cheddar Burger. If you happen to use this recipe, tweet me pictures at @ProducerCavi and we’ll feature them on the site.

Capocollo Cheddar Burger

