Categories: CaviNBA

LeBron James might be the world’s biggest hypocrite

LeBron JamesLeBron James

Okay. So, LeBron James went on a big twitter rant about why he feels that kids don’t succeed. He claims it’s because they’re not pushed hard enough by their coaches and leaders. Damn it. This puts me in a tough position. You see, I’m not traditionally a LeBron hater. I actually think he will go down as the best or at worst, the second best basketball player of all time. I was stoked when Cleveland won the NBA Championship and I was glad LeBron was there to win it with them.

Spin zone, I also agree with almost every word that LeBron tweeted. It actually needs to be said by more professional athletes.

But, come on with this shit. Lebron James is the most entitled player in the history of the NBA. He can’t be the guy that comes out against the “sissification” of American sports (and children). If LeBron doesn’t like a coach, they’re gone. If LeBron doesn’t like a player, they’re gone. If LeBron wants to win a few rings, he moves to Miami and creates a super team to win them.

I’m all for this message.

But, it can’t come form LeBron James.

It makes him sound like a giant hypocrite.

Can we get Steph Curry to just retweet/subtweet the same message out?



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